The Weight of the Wait

Have you ever had to wait for something? I don’t mean standing in line at the store waiting for your turn at the checkout. But waiting for something that could change your life. You’ve seen glimpses of the promises but you still had to wait. Not to mention, what you were waiting for felt massive. What do you do with the weight of the wait? How do you stand strong with people including yourself, don’t understand the wait?

The Story: Genesis 6:13-22

In Genesis 6:13-22, God commissioned Noah to build an ark with specific details. He advised that fllod waters would fill the earth because it was full of violence. Therefore, the ark would only contain Noah’s family and two of every kind of living thing. Because of Noah’s belief in God, he did everything God told him to do.

Although Noah had no idea what rain or flood waters were, he knew God was serious about destroying the earth. Despite this knowledge, he didn’t know the weight of the wait. His wait took quite awhile . Noah was 500 year sold when he had three sons (Genesis 5:32); however, he was 600 when he entered the ark with his wife and sons along with their wives. What a long wait. Despite the elapsed time, he remained steadfast and saved his family and the living things.

The Lesson

Can we respond like Noah even though we don’t understad the weight of the wait? We have an assignment and the prep time seems long. We see a glimmer of progress, but the path remains long. In addition, those around mock and jeer. They don’t understand our path and have never experienced our future. Regardless of the naysayers, we must continue but how.

  1. Know the Word ~ The Bible is an amazing book. From it, we receive basic instructions, which provide a firm foundation. However, this book is only one type of word. The other word comes directly God. He speaks directly to His people. When He speaks, He doesn’t convene a committee because He’s God all by Himself. Therefore, we mustknow the Word, written and spoken.
  2. Trust the Word ~ Every word from God, regardless of the form, is yea and amen. We have to decide if we will trust the Word. Noah had no frame of reference for what God said for him to do. If he ignored God, Noah and his family would’ve died; however, he chose to trust the Word. Will you trust the Word even if i doesn’t make sense to yu or anyone else?
  3. Move Around the Naysayers ~ There will always be people who think they know best for us. Their intentions may be pure; however, they’re not God. Whether family, friend, or foe, our instruction comes from God so our footsteps are in His direction. We make progress despite the naysayers. God is the One who will approve us at the end of the journey. Therefore, keep making God moves.
  4. Worth the Weight ~ The wait is no walk in the park and the load is heavy. However, we’re capable of carrying the load. God equipped us for the path ahead and He specifically called us. No one can do what we do like we do, and for for whom we can do it. Therefore, the reward comes in the perseverance, carrying the weight, and the end of the wait.

We will reach the end of the wait when we embrace the weight of the wait knowing that God is with us in the wait.

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